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Shear deformation was characterized in context of in situ muscle structure in comparison with a homogeneous (gel-based) system in developing most reliable methods for texture determination for some local species (e.g., tilapia, sheat fish, rainbow trout) differing in muscle fat content.

We try to identify texture variation associated with handling, freezing, and storage conditions.

Current Projects

Our knowledge of fish growth and fillet texture is applied to address some environmental issues.

Beginning in 2013, we have been collaborating with researchers at INRA - Fish Physiology and Genomics Laboratory in Rennes, France to study flesh texture of fish fed plant based diet in addressing the global issue of fishmeal and fish oil exploitation in aquacuture. Our interest in growth and development of fish has extended to understanding the quality of their diet and ecological responses. In collaboration with the Evolutionary Biology Centre of Uppsala University, Sweden, this study will help address the consequences of stresses (i.e., eutrophication, browning, climate change) to aquatic ecosystems. 

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